Monday, January 12, 2009

Best left hand break in the world!

This weekend we went to Raglan about 2hrs away, south of us on the Waikato west coast. Raglan is famous for its surfing spots...reputedly having the longest/best left hand point break in the world!

we stayed in a holiday home with Trevor and Metta...were very sad as Metta (we call her Mayday) is our new friend who leaves NZ next week to return to her native Denmark to complete her masters degree, we hope she decides to come back soon...

Mike contemplates risking his life at Manu Bay's famous left hand break...(as seen in the 1968 cult surf movie 'Endless Summer')...its a great wave but very close to a very rocky shore...

Mike wisely decides to give it a miss until he is a little bit better on his board but Trev got straight in and caught some awesome waves...without any injury whatsoever.

Mike & Metta watching the surf...
It was a great little trip for the weekend even though we had a bit of rain we had 3 surf's in one day (body boarding for Jo) at Ngaranui Beach (its sandy not rocky) on Sunday.

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